Friday, January 27, 2006

4 University Students Charged In Homophobic Attack

by Newscenter Staff

Posted: January 18, 2006 - 9:00 pm ET

(Madison, Wisconsin) Four university of students have been arrested following the vandalizing of a college dormitory at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

Campus police were called to a student's room at Ogg Hall after the student was awakened by someone yelling, "All faggots should die" and "I hate fucking faggots."

The student, whose name has not been made public, went to the door of his dorm room to find "I hate fucking faggots. Die," written on the dry erase board on the outside of his door.

There also was saliva dripped down the door, according to the Madison Capital Times newspaper.

The victim pursued several men who were fleeing down a hallway and followed them up a stairwell where he confronted three students. When the victim tried to prevent the trio from leaving before police got there he pushed him aside and the assailants fled.

When campus police did arrive they questioned a student, identified as Michael D. Riha, 19, who was having a party in a room not far from the victims.

After denying any knowledge of the vandalism, Riha admitted pointing out victim's door to another student, Benjamin T. Chamberlain, 19.

Chamberlain and two students from other schools - Caleb M. Moore, 18, from Auburn University, and Kevin R. Cochacki, 18, from Purdue - were later arrested.

Chamberlain later admitted that all four men tore pictures from the victim's door and he said he wrote the message on the victim's door, the Capital Times reports.

"OK, I tore down a picture," he reportedly told a campus police officer. "I was showing off and saw a picture of two guys kissing. I'm conservative and had a problem with it. Why does the photo have to be displayed in public? Keep it to yourself."

The men allegedly returned to the victim's door three times to deface it. "We were drunk and thought it was funny," Chamberlain reportedly said.

All four men were charged with disorderly conduct and criminal damage to property as hate crimes. Riha also faces a charge of obstructing an officer.

© 2006

1 comment:

Timoteo said...

Interestingly enought, I'm currenlty reading a paper by Adams, Wright, & Lohr (1996) "Is Homophobia Associated with Homosexual Arousal?"

When I read these stories, I wonder is it hate for the person or the desire for what he can not allow himself to experience.

Journal of Abnormal Psychology 105(3) 440-445