Wednesday, February 08, 2006

NPR on video blogging

Josh Kinberg posted an MP3 of yesterday’s NPR segment on video blogging. Representatives from NPR were apparently present at the “Meet the Vloggers” session at the San Francisco Apple Store. There’s a really good write up on it on The Social Software Weblog.

Listen to it: npr_vlog.mp3 (audio/mpeg Object)

From: sandbox films: Vlogs on NPR: Schlomo, Ryanne, Jay, Clay Shirky

NPR’s Laura Sydell reports on Videoblogs for Weekend Edition: Saturday.

Check out the RealPlayer stream from NPR, or listen to the MP3 audio clip here: MP3 audio

Mentioned in this story are: Schlomo Rabinowitz Ryanne Hodson Jay Dedman Clay Shirky Christina Rapacki René Amini

Also, check out Ryanne’s videoblog post recorded during her NPR interview.

Support NPR and buy something at their shop.

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